Sunday, March 18, 2012 Comprising of N, S and P: It can be divided into three groups, namely:
(A) Comprising of N: (a) Amygdalin: The name amygdalin is currently used interchangeably with ‘lactrile’. It is a cyanogenic glycoside that occurs in seeds of Rosacea, principally in bitter almonds and also in peaches and apricots.

(B) Comparising of N and S:
(a) Sinigrin (Syn: Sinigroside: Allyl glucosinolate): It is a β-glucopyranoside isolated from black mustard seeds Brassica niagra Linne, Koche., horse raddish root Alliaria officinalis Andrz.

(C) Comprising of P:
(a) Glycerophosphoric Acid: In fact, three isomers of phosphoric acid glycerol esters exist, namely:
β-Glycerophosphoric acid D(+) and L(–) forms of
                                               β-Glycerophosphoric acid
The L-α-acid is the naturally occuring form; whereas the corresponding acid, found to be present in the hydrolysates of lecithins (soyalecthin, egg-ylk) from natural sources, arise from migration of the phosphoryl moiety from the α-carbon atom.

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