Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2.4.3 Azadirachitin

It is a tetranontriterpenoid obtained from the seeds of the Neem tree and the Chinaberry tree.
Biological Sources It is obtained from the seeds of Azadirachta indica A. Juss., (Melia ozadirachta
L.) and Melia azedarach L., belonging to family Meliaceae.
Geographical Sources The plant is found abundantly in tropical countries like India, Africa and Burma.
Chemical Structure Its chemical structure was first reported by Thornton* in 1993, as shown below:

1. It is a highly active feeding deterrent and growth regulator.
2. It is used experimentally as insect control agent.
3. It helps in insect ecdysis and growth inhibition**.
It is, however, pertinent to mention here that the triterpenoids which are exclusively used as drugs are described in the chapter on ‘Glycosides’.
* Thornton, M.D., ‘Phytochemistry’, 12, 391, 1973.
** Reimhoed, H, and K.P. Sieber, ‘Z. Naturfoesch., 36C, 466, 1981.

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