Thursday, April 19, 2012

Germinated barley (Maiya)

Hordeum vulgare L.
Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Hordei germinatus
Botanical Name: Hordeum vulgare L.
Common Name: Germinated barley
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: Barley is soaked in water for a day, and then it is put into a basket. Water is sprinkled over the barley daily until it germinates.
Properties & Taste: Sweet and neutral
Meridians: Spleen, stomach and liver
Functions: 1. To eliminate retention of food and harmonize the stomach; 2. To restrain lactation; 3. To promote free flow of liver qi and remove stagnation
Indications & Combinations:
1. Retention of food manifested as no appetite and epigastric and abdominal distension. Germinated barley (Maiya) is used with Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha), Medicated leaven (Shenqu) and Chicken's gizzard skin (Jineijin).
2. Restrained lactation or breast distension with pain. The decoction of half raw and half fried Germinated barley (Maiya) should be taken twice a day, 30-60 g each time.
3. Qi stagnation in the liver and stomach manifested as distension and fullness in the chest and costal regions and epigastric pain. Germinated barley (Maiya) is used with Bupleurum root (Chaihu), Immature bitter orange (Zhishi) and Sichuan chinaberry (Chuanlianzi).
Dosage: 10-15 g
Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated during lactation.
