Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2.3.2 Ginkgolide–B

Biological Source It is obtained from the root bark and leaves of Ginkgo biloba L., belonging to family Ginkgoaceae.
Geographical Source It is cultivated in the south eastern United States. The priests in China and Japan have confined this specimen to their temple grounds. It is a dioecious tree attaining a maximum height of 30 meters and has been cited in literatures as a living fossil that still survived unchanged in the region of eastern Asia since 200 million years.
Chemical Structure Ginkgolide-B is the most active member of the family significant therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of severe sepsis, whereas the corresponding A and C analogues are devoid of such activities.

1. The standardized dehydrated acetone–water extract of the dried leaves equivalent to 6% terpenoids and 24% flavone glycosides is sold commercially in Europe as an approved drug to enhance blood fluidity and circulation.
2. In the United States only the tablets containing 40mg of the Ginkgo is allowed to be sold as a ditary suppliment.
3. Ginkgolides A,B, C and M have been shown to check the platelet activating factor (PAF) thereby preventing the bronchoconstriction, hypotension, cutaneous vasodilatation and finally the release of inflammatory compounds.

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