Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Anemarrhena Rhizome

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma

Anemarrhena Rhizome is the rhizome of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge (Liliaceae).


Rather flat and cord-like rhizome, 3 . 15 cm in length, 0.5 . 1.5 cm in diameter, slightly bent and branched; externally yellow-brown to brown; on the upper surface, a longitudinal furrow and hair-like remains or scars of leaf sheath forming fine ring-nodes; on the lower surface, scars of root appearing as numerous round spot-like hollows; light and easily broken. Under a magnifying glass, a light yellow-brown transverse section reveals an extremely narrow cortex; stele porous, with many irregularly scattered vascular bundles.
Odor, slight; taste, slightly sweet and mucous, followed by bitterness.


(1) Shake vigorously 0.5 g of pulverized Anemarrhena Rhizome with 10 mL of water in a test tube: a lasting fine foam is produced. Filter the mixture, and to 2 mL of the filtrate add 1 drop of iron (III) chloride TS: a dark green precipitate is produced.
(2) Warm 0.5 g of pulverized Anemarrhena Rhizome with 2 mL of acetic anhydride on a water bath for 2 minutes while shaking, then filter, and to the filtrate add carefully 1 mL of sulfuric acid to make two layers: a red-brown color develops at the zone of contact.


(1) Heavy metals. Proceed with 3.0 g of pulverized Anemarrhena Rhizome according to Method 3, and perform the test. Prepare the control solution with 3.0 mL of Standard Lead Solution (not more than 10 ppm).
(2) Arsenic. Prepare the test solution with 0.40 g of pulverized Anemarrhena Rhizome according to Method 4, and perform the test (not more than 5 ppm).
(3) Foreign matter <5.01>.The amount of fiber, originating from the dead leaves, and other foreign matters contained in Anemarrhena Rhizome is not more than 3.0z.
Total ash:
Not more than 7.0z.

Acid-insoluble ash:  

Not more than 2.5z.

Containers and storage:

Containers.Well-closed containers.
