Saturday, June 30, 2012

Siphonostegia (Liujinu)

Artemsia anomala S. Moore (Family: Asteraceae)
Artemsia anomala S. Moore (Family: Asteraceae)

Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. (Family: Scrophulariaceae)
Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. (Family: Scrophulariaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Artemisiae anomalae; Herba siphonostegiae.
Common Name: Siphonostegia.
Botanical Name: 1. Artemsia anomala S. Moore (Family: Asteraceae); 2. Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. (Family: Scrophulariaceae)
Source of Earliest Record: Xinxiu Bencao.
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The whole plant is gathered in August or September and dried in the sun.
Properties & Taste: Bitter and warm.
Meridians: Heart and spleen.
Functions: 1. To invigorate blood and open the channels; 2. To stop pain.
Indications & Combinations:
1. Blood stagnation manifested as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain or swelling and pain due to external injuries. Siphonostegia (Liujinu) is used with Corydalis tuber (Yanhusuo), Chinese angelica root (Danggui) and Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong).
2. Hemorrhages and pain due to external injuries. The powder of Siphonostegia (Liujinu) is used alone, externally.
Dosage: 3-10 g, decocted in water for an oral dose.
Cautions & Contraindications: This herb is contraindicated during pregnancy.
