Thursday, July 26, 2012

Acacia Catechu (ER CHA)

Acacia catechu (L.) Willd. (Fam. Mimosaceae)
Acacia catechu (L.) Willd. (Fam. Mimosaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name:

Acacia Catechu

Botanical Name:

Acacia catechu (L.) Willd. (Fam. Mimosaceae)

Common Name:

Catechu paste

Part Used:

After the fruit ripens in summer or autumn, the seeds are gathered and ground into powder.

Properties  Taste & Meridians:

Bitter and astringent in flavor, cold in property, acts on the Lung channel.


Arrests exudation, promotes the growth of new tissue, and heals wounds.

Indications & Combinations:

1. For festering wounds, it is used with Gummi Olibanum (Ru Xiang), Myrrha (Mo Yao), and Sanguis Draconis (Xue Jie).
2. For skin diseases with watery discharge.
3. For ulcers in the mouth.
4. For traumatic injury with pain and bleeding, it is used with Sanguis Draconis (Xue Jie) and Rhizoma Bletillae (Bai Ji).
5. For cough due to Lung Heat, thirst due to Summer Heat, and chronic dysentery.
Dosage and administration:
0.1–1 g, used in pill or powder form. Appropriate amount for external use.
