Wednesday, July 25, 2012

B. Akuammicine

Biological Source It is obtained from the plant substance of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Apocyanaceae) (Periwinkle, Madagascar or Cape Periwinkle, Old Maid); and also from the seeds of Picralima klaineana, Pierre, belonging to the natural order (Apocyanaceae).
Chemical Structure

2, 16, 19-20-Tetradehydrocuran-17-oic acid methyl ster; (C20H22N2O2).
Characteristic Features
1. It is obtained as plates from a mixture of ethanol and water having mp 182°C.
2. Its physical parameters are: [α]16D – 745° (C = 0.994 in ethanol); pKa 7.45; and uvmax (ethanol): 227, 330 and 330 nm (log ε 4.09, 4.07, 4.24).
Identification Tests It forms the following derivatives:
1. Akuaminicine Hydrochloride Dihydrate (C20H22N2O2.HCl.2H2O): It is obtained as leaflets from ethanol or water having mp 171°C; and has [α]21D – 610° (C = 1.430 in ethanol).
2. Akuaminicine Perchlorate Monohydrate (C20H22N2O2.HClO4.H2O): It is obtained as needles from a mixture of ethanol and water having mp 134-136°C.
3. Akuammicine Hydroiodide Monohydrate (C20H22N2O2.HI,H2O): It is obtained as square plates from water having mp 128°C.
4. Akuammicine Methiodide: It is obtained as crystals from water with mp 252°C.
5. Akuammicine Nitrate: It is obtained as needles from hot water having mp 182.5°C.
Uses The drug exhibits a slight digitalis-like reaction; and is, therefore, believed to act as a heart poison.

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