Wednesday, July 25, 2012

B. Cinchonine

Biological Sources It occurs in most varieties of cinchona bark as mentioned under quinine (section ‘A’). Besides, cinchonine especially occurs in the bark of Cinchona micrantha R & P. belonging to the natural order Rubiaceae.
Chemical Structure

(9S) - Cinchonan-9-ol; (C19H22N2O)
Isolation The detailed method of isolation has been given under quinine (section ‘A’). Besides, Rabe* has put forward another method of isolation of cinchonine.
Characteristic Features
1. Cinchonine is obtained as needles from ethanol or ether having mp 265°C.
2. It begins to sublime at 220°C.
3. Its specific optical rotation is [α]D + 229° (in ethanol).
4. Solubility Profile: 1g dissolves in 60 ml ethanol, 25 ml boiling ethanol, 110 ml chloroform, 500 ml ether; and practically insoluble in water.
5. It has two distinct dissociation constants: pK1 5.85 and pK2 9.92.
Identification Tests Cinchonine may be identified by forming its specific derivatives, namely:
1. Cinchonine Hydrochloride Dihydrate (C19H22N2O.HCl.2H2O): It is obtained as fine crystals. The mp of its anhydrous salt is 215 °C with decomposition. 1g dissolves in 20 ml water, 3.5 ml boiling water 1.5 ml alcohol, 20 ml chloroform; and slightly soluble in ether. The aqueous solution is almost neutral.
2. Cinchonine Dihydrochloride (C9H22N2O.2HCl): It is usually obtained as white or faintly yellow crystals or crystalline powder. It is found to be freely soluble in water or ethanol.
3. Cinchonine Sulphate Dihydrate [(C19H22N2O)2.H2SO4.2H2O]: It is commonly obtained as lustrous extremely bitter crystals. Its anhydrous salt has mp 198°C. 1g dissolves in 65 ml water, 30 ml hot water, 12.5 ml ethanol, 7 ml hot ethanol, 47 ml chloroform; and slightly soluble in ether. The aqueous solution is practically neutral.
4. Epicinchonine [Synonyms (9R)-Cinchonan-9-ol]: It has mp 83°C; and [α]22D + 120.3° (C =0.806 in ethanol).
1.      It is used as an antimalarial agent.
2. It is employed as a tonic in waters, bitters and liqueurs.
3. It is broadly used for febrifuge, schizonticide, stomachic, amebiasis, dysentry, flu, fever, and as
a mild stimulant of gastric mucosa.
* Rabe, Ber41, 63 (1908)

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