Monday, July 9, 2012

B. γ-Coniceine

Biological Source It is obtained from the seeds of Conium maculatum L. (Umbelliferae).
Chemical Structure

2, 3, 4, 5-Tetrahydro-6-propylpyridine.
Characteristic Features
(i) It is a colourless liquid alkaloid.
(ii) It possesses a distinct mousy odour.
(iii) It is steam volatile.
(iv) Its physical parameters are: bp 171°C; d415 0.8753; nD16 1.4661.
(v) It is slightly soluble in water, but freely soluble in ethanol, chloroform and ether.
Identification Test
(i -Coniceine when subjected to reduction, it gives rise to a racemic mixture of dl-coniine.
(ii) It forms γ-coniceine hydrochloride (C8H15N.HCl) which gives hygroscopic crystals from ether mp 143°C.

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