Sunday, July 15, 2012

A. Hygrine

Biological Sources It occurs in the leaves of Erythroxylon coca Lam., (Erythroxylaceae) (Coca); and the roots of Withania somniferum (L.) Dunal. (Solanaceae) (Ashwagandha).
Chemical Structure

(R)-1-(1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-2-propanone; (C8H15NO).
Characteristic Features
1. It is a liquid having bp11 76.5°C; bp14 81°C; nD201.4555.
2. It is soluble in dilute mineral acids, chloroform and ethanol; and slightly soluble in water.
Identification Test It forms oxime readily (C8H16N2O) which is obtained as crystals from ether having mp 123-124°C.
Uses The drug is broadly used as a sedative, hypnotic laxative and diuretic.

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