Sunday, July 15, 2012

C. Stachydrine

Synonyms Methyl hygrate betaine; Hygric acid methylbetaine.
Biological Sources It is obtained from the forage of Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae) (Yarrow); flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium (Trevir.) Vis. (Asteraceae) (Pyrethrum, Dalmatian Insect Flower); branches of Lagochilus inebrians Bunge (Lamiaceae) (Intoxicating Mint); dry plant of, Leonurus cardiaca (L.) (Lamiaceae) (Motherwort); the ‘betaine fraction’ of alfalfa Medicago sativa L. (Fabiaceae) (Alfalfa) (0.785%); and herbage of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevisan (Lamiaceae) (Betony).
Chemical Structure

Stachydrine Synonyms Methyl hygrate betaine; Hygric acid methylbetaine
(S)-2-Carboxy-1, 1-dimethylpyrrolidinium inner salt; (C7H13NO2).
Isolation It has been isolated by reported method by Schulze** and Jahns.***
Characteristic Features
1. It is obtained as monohydrate deliquescent crystals having mp 235°C (anhydrous).
2. It is sweetish in taste.
3. It is soluble in water, dilute mineral acids and ethanol;
4. It isomerizes at the mp to methyl hygrate.
Identification Tests
1. Stachydrine Hydrochloride (C7H17NO2.HCl): Its large prisms are obtained from absolute ethanol which gets decomposed at 235°C. It is very soluble in water and soluble in 13 parts of ethanol.
2. Stachydrine Acid Oxalate (C7H13NO2.C2H2O4): Its needles have mp 106°C. It is practically insoluble in absolute ethanol.
3. Stachydrine Aurichloride (C7H13NO2.HAuCl4): Its yellow needles have mp 225°C (rapid heating). It is quite soluble in hot water, but practically insoluble in cold water.
4. Stachydrine Platinichloride Tetrahydrate (C7H17NO2)2.H2PtCl6.4H2O): It is obtained as orange crystals decomposing at 210-220°C (rapid heating). It is found to be very soluble in dilute ethanol and water. It may also be obtained with two moles of water of crystallization.

* Liebermann, Ber., 22, 679 (1898)
** Sehulze, Ber. 26, 939 (1893);
*** Jahns, Ber. 29, 2065 (1896);

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