Monday, July 9, 2012

B.2.1 Veratramine

Biological Sources It is obtained in the rhizomes of Viratrum viride Ait. (Liliaceae) (American Hellebore); and also from Veratrum grandiflorum (Maxim.) Loes. F. (Liliaceae).
Chemical Structure The chemical structure of veratramine has also been referred to as azasteroid, wherein the N-atom is present is in one or more side chains.

(3β, 23β)-14, 15, 16, 17-Tetrahydro-veratraman-3, 23-diol (C27H39NO2).
Characteristic Features
1. It is obtained as crystals having mp 206-207°C.
2. It is slightly soluble in water, but soluble in ethanol and methanol.
Identification Tests
1. It forms a complex with digitonin (1:1) that has uvmas : 268 nm and [α ]D25  -71.8o (C = 1.21; [α ]D25  -70o (C = 1.56 in methanol).
2. Dihydroveratramine Derivative: The crystals of dihydroveratramine derivative has mp 192.5- 194°C ; [α]D25  +26o(C = 1.26 in acetic acid).

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