Thursday, March 15, 2012

3.2 Cell-Culture Techniques
It essentially involves the production of the ‘desired secondary constituents’ that caters for a
viable alternative means of drug-plant-cultivation. Extensive studies have revealed that under the influence of ‘stress-conditions’, for instance: reacting with a suitable pathogen-may ultimately help in simulating the yield of some specific highly desired constituents in plant-cell suspension cultures. However, the actual slow growth of the cell-biomass possess a serious obstacle in the wide acceptance of this innovated technique. Perhaps the day is not too far when the plant genes which are responsible for coding enzymes catalyzing the desired biosynthetic routes may be converted to rather more swiftly growing bacterial or fungal cells.
Ashutosh Kar (2003), Pharmacognosy and Pharmaco biotechnology, 2nd Edition

‘Handbook of Medicinal Herbs’ (2001), J.A. Duke, CRC-Press, London, 1st Edn.

William Charles Evans (2002), Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy 15th Edition by: Trease, Bailliere Tindall; Evans.

Ramstad (1956), E., ‘Modern Pharmacognosy’, McGraw Hill, London.

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