Monday, March 26, 2012

In some really great news and hopefully a big victory for consumers and health conscious people everywhere, the FDA is currently mulling whether to make BPA’s, or Bisphenol A’s, a chemical used in plastics and many containers (even metal ones) as a lining.

It is toxic to the human system and it actually alters hormone balance by triggering synthetic estrogens into the body. It has been implicated in everything from learning disabilities and hyperactivity to breast cancer in women (and prostate cancer in men).

So this would be a HUGE win for consumers everywhere if the FDA decides to outlaw them in packaging.  Right now only ecoconscious labels are packaging in BPA free cans, bottles and other lined packages. This would mean all food would be treated the same, and you wouldn’t just have the buy the stuff that costs more in order to ensure your family isn’t be subjected to BPA’s.

The decision is to be made by next week, so hold tight. We’ll all be hoping that this unnecessary chemical be pulled.  The government is reacting to pressure put on them by thousands of concerned consumers just like you and me, so congrats on even getting this to come before congress.

Soure: herbalnewsmagazine
