Friday, April 6, 2012

2.6 Cyanogenetic Glycosides

The cyanogenetic glycosides are named so because they yield either hydrocyanic acid upon hydrolysis or they essesntially possess a hydrocyanic acid in the aglycone moiety. They are also designated as ‘cyanophore glycosides’. Interestingly, about 110 families belonging to the plant kingdom have been reported to contain the cyanogenetic glycosides; however, Rosaceae being the most prominent one amongst them.
It is pertinent to mention here that cyanogenetic glycoside containing drug substances, as such do not exert any specific therapeutic activity, but they are invariably employed as viable pharmaceutical aids, such as: flavouring agents.
A large number of cyanogenetic glycosides were isolated and identified from various plant sources, namely: Linamarin, Linustatin, Lotaustralin and Lucumin as shown in Table 4.5.
A few important examples of naturally occurring drug substances containing cyanogenetic glycosides shall be discussed here, namely; Bitter almond, Wild cherry bark and Linseed. These drugs shall be discussed in the pages that follows:

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