Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2.2.3 Matricarin

Biological Source It is obtained from the dried flower heads of Matricaria chamomilla L., and Artemnisia tilesii Ledeb, belonging to family Compositae. It is also found in Matricaria recutita Linne., family Asteraceae which represent the drug usually termed as German Chamomile. Besides, an allied plant source Chamaemelum nobilc Linne, normally known as Roman Chamomile also comprises of identical components and used alike.
Geographical Source In general, the above two chamomiles are cultivated abundantly in various parts of Europe.
Chemical Structure Its chemical name is 8α-acetoxy-4α-hydroxyguaia-1(10), 2-dien-12, 6αolide.

1. Chamomile has acclaimed to be the most popular ‘herbal tea’ in the United States because of its definite anti-inflammatory and antipasmodic therapeutic properties.
2. The volatile oil of M. chamomilla contains the sesquiterpenoid (-)-α-Bisabolol (Bisabolane) which exerts anti-inflammatory activity.
3. An infusin (tea) when consumed over a long span results into a cumulative overall positive effect which certainly justifies its age-old usage as an unique home-remedy and healthy beverage not only in Europe but also in the United States.

sesquiterpenoid (-)-α-Bisabolol (Bisabolane)

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