Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Shatavari

Synonyms Shatamuli.
Biological Source The shatavari mostly comprises of the dried roots and the leaves of the naturally occurring plant known as Asparagus racemosus Will, belonging to the family Liliaceae.
Geographical Source It is widely distributed throughout the tropical regions of Africa, Australia,
Asia and India. It is also found in the Himalayan range up to an altitude of 4000-4500 feet. It occurs as a wildely grown plant in the dry and deciduous forests of Maharshtra State in India.
Preparation The roots usually occur in the form of a cluster or fascicle at the base of the stem. The leaves are mostly linear green and needlelike. The steriodal spanonin is extracted by the standard methods.
Chemical Constitutents The shatavari contains four steriodal saponins usually designated as shatavarin I-IV present collectively to the extent of 0.2%; however, shatavarin I is the major glycoside present.

shatavarin I-IV

1. The roots are employed mostly as galactogogue to promote the flow of milk.
2. The roots are used invariably as tonic and diuretic.
3. The steroidal saponin Shatavari-I is reported to exert antioxytocic activity.
4. The roots are extensively employed as a medicinal oil for the control and management of nervine disorders and rheumatism.
5. In the Ayurvedic System of Medicine it is widely used both in threatened abortion and safe delivery because of its distinct uterine blocking activity.

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