Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2. Resin Alcohols 

In general, resin alcohols are complex alcohols having higher molecular weight. These are of two types, namely:
(a) Resinotannols: The resin alcohols which give a specific tannin reaction with iron salts are termed as resinotannols.
A number of resinotannols have been isolated from the plant kingdom. It is an usual practice to name them according to the resins in which they are found, such as:
Alocresinotannol – From Aloe species viz., Aloe barbedensis Miller, (Curacao Aloes); Aloe perryi Baker, (Socotrine Aloes); Aloe ferrox Miller, Aloe africana Miller,Aloe spicata Baper. All these belong to the natural order Liaceae.
Ammoresinotannol – From Ammoniacum i.e., the oleo-gum-resin from Dorema ammoniacum D. Don. (Family: Umbelliferae).
Galbaresinotannol – From Galbanm i.e., the oleo-gum-resin from Ferula galbaniflua Boiss et Bubse (Family: Unbelliferae).
Peruresinotannol – From Balsam of Peru i.e., the balsam obtained from Myroxylon balsamum var Pereirae (Royle) Harms (Family: Fabaceae);
Siaresinotannol – From Sumatra Benzoin (Benzoin, Styrax) i.e., the gum exuded from Styrax benzoin Dryander (Family: Styracaceae).
Toluresinotallol – From Balsam of Tolu i.e., the Balsam obtained from Myroxylon balsamum (Linn.) Harms. (belonging to the family. Leguminosae).
(b) Resinols: The resin alcohols that fail to give a positive reaction with tannin and iron salts are known as resinols. The following are some typical examples of resinols, for instance:
Benzoresinol – From Benzoin which is purely a pathological product obtained either from Styrax benzoin Dryander and Styrax paralleloneurus Brans. (Sumatra
Benzoin) or from Styrax tonkinensis Craib. (Siam Benzoin) belonging to family Styraceae.
Storesinol – From storax which is the balsamic resin usually obtained from the trunk of Liquidamber orientalis Mill. family Hamamelidaceae.
Gurjuresinol – From Gurjun Balsam that is the aleo-resin obtained from Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. F. belonging to family: Dipterocarpaceae.
Guaiaresinol – From Guaiacum Resin obtained from the heartwood of Guaiacum officinale Linn. and Guaiacum sanctum Linn. belonging to family: Zygophyllaceae.

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