Sunday, July 29, 2012


Acorus tatarinowii Schott (Fam. Araceae)
Acorus tatarinowii Schott (Fam. Araceae)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowi
Botanical Name:
Acorus tatarinowii Schott(Fam. Araceae)
Common Name:
Part Used:
Dried rhizome
Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowi is produced mainly in the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, where it is collected in early spring, cleaned after removing the leaves, dried in sunlight, and used unprepared.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Pungent in flavor, warm in property, acts on the Heart and Stomach channels.
Opens the orifices to calm the Mind, eliminates Dampness and Phlegm to improve the appetite.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For unconsciousness and confusion of the Mind due to mental disturbance by Dampness accompanying febrile disease, it is used with Radix Curcumae (Yu Jin) and Rhizoma Pinelliae (Ban Xia).
2. For poor memory, tinnitus, and deafness, it is used with Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (Fu Ling) and Radix Polygalae (Yuan Zhi) in “The Sedative Bolus” (An Shen Ding Zhi Wan).
3. For feeling of oppression in the chest, of distention in abdomen due to retention of Dampness in the Spleen and Stomach, it is used with Rhizoma Cyperi (Xiang Fu) and Fructus Evodiae (Wu Zhu Yu). Used for arthralgia due to Wind Cold Dampness and traumatic pain. It is used both internally and externally.
Dosage and administration:
5–8 g, decocted in water for an oral dose.
