Monday, July 9, 2012

B.2.3 Pseudojervine

Biological Sources It is obtained from the rhizomes of Veratrum viride Ait (Liliaceae) (American Hellebore); V. album L. (Liliaceae); and V. eschscholtzii Gray. (Liliaceae).
Chemical Structure It is the glucoside of jervine as given below.

(3β, 23β)-17, 23-Epoxy-3-(β-D-glucopyrnosyloxy) veratraman-11-one. (C33H49NO8).
Characteristic Features
1. It is obtained as lustrous leaflets having mp 300-301°C (dec.).
2. It specific rotation [α]D25  -133o  (C = 0.48 in 1.3 ethanol-chloroform).
3. Solubility: It is soluble in benzene, chloroform; slightly soluble in ethanol and almost insoluble in ether.
Note: It is, however, pertinent to observe here that the Zygadenus species and the Schoenocaulon species appear to have only the Ceveratrum alkaloids and practically no Jeveratrum alkaloids. Interestingly, the large number of Veratrum species seem to contain both these type of steroidal alkaloids.

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