Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Barbat skullcap (BAN ZHI LIAN)

Scutellaria barbata D. Don. (Fam. Lamiaceae)
Scutellaria barbata D. Don. (Fam. Lamiaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Herba Scutellariae Barbatae
Botanical Name:
Scutellaria barbata D. Don. (Fam. Lamiaceae)
Common Name:
Barbat skullcap, scutellaria
Part Used:
Whole plant
Herba Scutellariae Barbatae is grown throughout southeastern China. It is collected in summer and autumn, dried in sunlight, and cut into segments for use.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Sour and bitter in flavor, cold in property, acts on the Large Intestine, Liver, Lung, and Stomach channels.
Clears Heat, relieves toxicity, invigorates the blood, and reduces swellings.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For sores, furuncles and abscesses, and snakebite, it is used internally or externally; for trauma, it is used fresh with warm wine, and applied to the local area.
2. For viral hepatitis, it is used with Herba Taraxaci (Pu Gong Ying); for nephritic edema, it is used with Semen Plantaginis (Che Qian Zi).
3. For various types of cancer.
Dosage and administration:
15–60 g, decocted in water for an oral dose.
