Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gallnut of Chinese sumac (WU BEI ZI)

Rhus chinensis Mill. (Fam. Anacardiaceae)
Rhus chinensis Mill. (Fam. Anacardiaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Galla Rhi Chinensis
Botanical Name:
Rhus chinensis Mill., Rhus potaninii Maxim., or Rhus punjabensis Stew. var. sinica (Diels) Rehd. et Wils. (Fam. Anacardiaceae)
Common Name:
Gallnut of Chinese sumac
Part Used:
Parasitic gall
This herb is the gall produced mainly by parasitic aphids of Melaphis chinensis (Bell) Baker on the leaf. Depending on its form, the herb is divided into Du Bei (single horned) and Jiao Bei (many horned). It is produced mainly in Sichuan province. Collected in autumn, the gall is dried in sunlight and used unprepared.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Sour and astringent in flavor, cold in property, acts on the Lung, Large Intestine, and Kidney channels.
Binds the Lung and purges Fire, stops diarrhea, excessive sweating and bleeding, and controls seminal emission.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For chronic cough due to Lung Deficiency,it is used with Fructus Schisandrae (Wu Wei Zi).
2. For chronic diarrhea and dysentery, it is used with Fructus Schisandrae (Wu Wei Zi).
3. For seminal emission and spontaneous emission.
4. For spontaneous sweating and night sweats, the powdered form is mixed with water and applied to the umbilicus, covered with gauze at night, and removed the next morning.
5. For metrorrhagia, it is used alone or with other herbs that stop bleeding.
6. For clearing toxins, reducing edema, and stopping bleeding.
Dosage and administration:
1.5–6 g, used in powder or pill form. Appropriate amount for external use.
Contraindicated in patients with cough due to Wind Cold or dysentery due to Damp Heat.
