Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Red halloysite (CHI SHI ZHI)

Halloysitum Rubrum
Halloysitum Rubrum

Pharmaceutical Name:
Halloysitum Rubrum
Latin Name:
Common Name:
Red halloysite, kaolin
Part Used:
Halloysitum Rubrum is the hydrated soil-like mineral halloysite. The mineral is ground into powder with water, or it is calcined and ground into powder with water.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Sweet, sour, and astringent in flavor, warm in property, acts on the large intestine and stomach channels.
Stops diarrhea, arrests bleeding, promotes tissue regeneration, and heals wounds.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For chronic diarrhea and dysentery, it is used with Limonitum (Yu Yu Liang). For blood in the stools due to cold from deficiency, it is used with Rhizoma Zingiberis (Gan Jiang).
2. For menorrhea, metrorrhagia, and profuse leukorrhea, it is used with Cacumen Platycladi (Ce Bai Ye), Radix Paeoniae Alba (Bai Shao), and Rhizoma Zingiberis (Gan Jiang). It is used for carbuncles, sores, or ulcerations with wounds that do not heal.
Dosage and administration:
10–20 g, decocted in water or used in pills or powder form for internal use. Appropriate amount for external use.
Contraindicated in patients with accumulation of damp heat.
