Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2.3.2 Khellol Glucoside

Synonyms Khellinin
Biological Sources It is obtained from the seeds of Ammi visnaga Lam., (Umbelliferae); and also from Eranthis hyemalis L. (Ranunculaceae) upto 0.3%.
Chemical Structure

Khellol Glucoside
7-[(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-methyl]-4-methoxy-5H-furo [3, 2-g] [1] benzopyran-5-one; (C19H20O10).
Isolation It may be isolated from Eranthis hyemalis by the method put forward by Egger.*
Characteristic Features
1. It is obtained as crystals from ethanol having mp 179°C.
2. It has uvmax (ethanol): 250, 325 nm.
3. It is found to be soluble in acetic acid, hot ethanol slightly soluble in hot methanol; and almost insoluble in acetone, ethyl acetate, ether, chloroform, cold alkali.
Identification Test Khellol glucoside may be identified by making its following tetraacetate derivative due to the presence of four OH moieties.
Khellol Glucoside Tetracetate It is obtained as flakes from ethanol having mp 153°C. It is freely soluble in acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate; and almost insoluble in petroleum ether.
Uses It is used as a vasodilator.

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