Monday, May 13, 2013


Latin Name: Vitex negundo L. var. cannabifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Hand. -Mazz. Family (Verbenaceae)
English Name: Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree, Chastetree.
Description: Machaka or dungarunga; branchlet 4 angled. Leaf opposite, palmately compound leaf, leaflets 5, rarely 3; aphlebia lanceolate or elliptical lanceolate, tip gradually pointed, basal part wedge shaped, margin with thick sawtooth, surface green, backface light green, generally covered with soft hairs. Panicle basidixed, 10-20cm long; corolla light purple, fruit nearly spherical, black. Flowering: June to July; fruiting: August to November.

Vitex negundo L. var. cannabifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Hand. -Mazz
Vitex negundo L. var. cannabifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Hand. -Mazz
Vitex negundo L. var. cannabifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Hand. -Mazz. Family (Verbenaceae)

Distribution: Growing on hill-slopes, roadsides and in thickets. Distributed in Vietnam
Part Used: Medical part: fresh leaves. Chinese name: Mujingye.
Harvest & Processing: Collected in summer and autumn when leaves flourishing, removed stem branches.
Chemistry: Mainly contains essential oils: β-caryophyllene and sabinene andmyrcene, etc.
Pharmacology: Phlegm-eliminating, antitussive, pant-calming, blood-pressure-lowering, serum-protein-adjusting, sedative, hypnotic and anti-bacterial; toxic.
Properties & Actions: Little bitter, pungent, neutral. Dispelling phlegm, suppressing cough and calming panting.
Indications & Usage: Dyspnea with cough, chronic bronchitis. Oral administration: decocting 9-15g, fresh products up to 30-60g; or extracted juice to drink by pounding. External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying; or decocted for fumigating and washing.
1. Treat common cold due to wind coldness: fresh hempleaf negundo chastetree leaves 24g, or add fresh common perilla leaves 12g. Decoct in water and swallow.
2. Prevent sunstroke: dried tender leaves of hempleaf negundo chastetree 6-9g. Decoct in water and drink as tea.
3. Treat acute gastroenteritis: fresh stem leaves of hempleaf negundo chastetree 30-60g. Decoct in water and swallow.
