Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Earthworm (Dilong)

Earthworm (Dilong)

Pharmaceutical Name: Lumbricus
Zoological Name: 1. Pheretima aspergillum (Perrier); 2. Allolobophora caliginosa (Savigny) trapezoides (Ant. Duges)
Common Name: Earthworm
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The earthworm is caught in summer or autumn. It is cleaned in warm water, and then dried in the sun.
Properties & Taste: Salty and cold
Meridians: Liver, spleen and urinary bladder
Functions: 1. To clear heat and subdue endogenous wind; 2. To soothe asthma; 3. To promote urination; 4. To clear the collaterals
Indications & Combinations:
1. Convulsions and spasms due to high fever.Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Uncaria stem (Gouteng), White-stiff silkworm (Baijiangcan) and Scorpion (Quanxie).
2. Damp-heat obstruction syndrome manifested as red, swollen, painful joints and motor impairment. Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Mulberry twigs (Sangzhi), Honeysuckle stem (Rendongteng) and Red peony (Chishao).
3. Wind-cold-damp obstruction syndrome manifested as cold, painful joints with motor impairment. Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Wild aconite root (Caowu) and Arisaema tuber (Tiannanxing) in the formula Xiao Huolu Dan.
4. Hemiplegia due to obstruction of meridians by qi deficiency and blood stagnation. Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong) and Astragalus root (Huangqi) in the formula Buyang Huanwu Tang.
5. Heat accumulated in the urinary bladder manifested as dysuria. Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Plantain seed (Cheqianzi) and Clematis stem (Mutong).
6. Asthma. Earthworm (Dilong) is used with Ephedra (Mahuang) and Apricot seed (Xingren).
Dosage: 5-15 g (10-20 g if fresh).

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