Wednesday, May 16, 2012

9. Kava
Synonyms Kava-Kava; Ava-ava; Kawa.
Biological Source It is the dried rhizome and roots of Piper methysticum Forst. belonging to the natural order Piperaceae.
Chemical Constituents Besides, an appreciable quantity of starch present in it, the drug also comprises of about 5 to 10% of a resin from which six different and closely related styrylpyroneshave been duly isolated and characterized, namely: Yangonin, Desmethoxy yangonin, Kawain, Dihydrokawain, Methysticin and Dihydromethysticin.

Yangonin, Desmethoxy yangonin, Kawain, Dihydrokawain, Methysticin
1. The drug (kava pyrones) acts as potent centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants.
2. It also possesses antipyretic and local anaesthetic properties.
3. Its underground parts have been used extensively by the natives (Oceania Islands) in the preparation of an intoxication drink prepared from the roots of this plant.

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