Monday, August 20, 2012

Flying squirrel feces (WU LING ZHI)

Pteromys volans L. (Fam. Petauristidae)
Pteromys volans L. (Fam. Petauristidae)

Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromi
Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromi

Pharmaceutical Name:
Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromi
Botanical Name:
Trogopterus xanthipes Milne-Edwards or Pteromys volans L. (Fam. Petauristidae)
Common Name:
Flying squirrel feces
Part Used:
Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromi is produced in the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing, Hubei, Sichuan, and Yunnan. It is collected in spring or autumn, dried in sunlight, used stir-baked with vinegar.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Bitter and sweet in flavor, warm in property, acts on the Liver channel.
Promotes Blood circulation to relieve pain, removes Blood Stasis, and stops bleeding.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, post-partum abdominal pain and epigastric pain due to Blood Stasis. It is an important herb for all kinds of pain caused by Blood Stasis. It is used with Pollen Typhae (Pu Huang) or with Rhizoma Cyperi (Xiang Fu), Rhizoma Corydalis Yanhusuo (Yan Hu Suo), and Myrrha (Mo Yao).
2. For bleeding with Blood Stasis, the stir-baked herb is used with Radix Notoginseng (San Qi), Radix Rehmanniae (Sheng Di Huang), and Cortex Moutan (Mu Dan Pi).
Dosage and administration:
3–10 g, decocted separately in cheesecloth, or in pills or powders. Proper amount for external use.
    Contraindicated during pregnancy. It is antagonized by Radix Ginseng (Ren Shen).

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