Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jiuxiang bug (JIU XIANG CHONG)

Aspongopus chinensis Dallas (Fam. Pertatomidae)
Aspongopus chinensis Dallas (Fam. Pertatomidae)

Pharmaceutical Name:
Latin Name:
Aspongopus chinensis Dallas (Fam. Pertatomidae)
Common Name:
Jiuxiang bug
Part Used:
Dried body
Aspongopus is produced mainly in the provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Guangxi. It is captured in winter and spring, dried, and stir-baked for use.
Properties  Taste & Meridians:
Salty in flavor, warm in property, acts on the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney channels.
Regulates the flow of Qi and relieves pain, warms the Kidney, and restores Kidney Yang.
Indications & Combinations:
1. For epigastric pain with distension due to Cold in the Stomach or due to Qi Stagnation in the Liver and Stomach, it is used with Fructus Meliae Radicis (Chuan Lian Zi), Radix Aucklandiae (Mu Xiang), and Radix Curcumae Yanhusuo (Yan Hu Suo).
2. For Deficient Kidney Yang with pain of the loins and knees or impotence, it is used with Radix Clematidis (Wei Ling Xian) and Fructus Psoraleae (Bu Gu Zhi).
Dosage and administration:
3–5 g, decocted in water for internal use.
Contraindicated in patients with Internal Heat due to Yin Deficiency.

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